
Sunday, January 13, 2013

O Tannenbaum Burning Party

Our January 4-H meeting and winter party were combined into one event.  Nice big bonfire because it was 3 degrees out (windchill -11).

The soup line.  All the food froze, except the soup and hot dogs which were on the camp stove, including the hot dog buns.

Sledding in the woods.  I worried Spark would hit a tree so I just closed my eyes and waited to hear the all clear that he was safe at the bottom.

Mr. Snowman Football toss.


That little rope snapped but they had a bigger back up rope.

Celebrating the great year our club had in 2012.


Burning the tree

Snowmobile rides to and from the party site.  Everyone stayed almost four hours so we know it was fun if they hung out that long in the cold.  Thankfully we had the fire to toast ourselves like rotisserie chickens.

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