
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sweet Potato Pancakes

When I placed my vegetable order last week I may have over estimated what 10 pounds of sweet potatoes was going to look like.  For the record, it is a big bag that looks daunting on the counter if you are the only one in your family that really loves the tuber. 

To try and convince the kids that sweet potatoes really are yummy, and to at least attempt to make a dent in that huge bag, I added some into the pancake batter.

Spark sat down with his plate, took one bite and said, "You need to share these with the world!!"  He took a picture of his plate for a visual, they taste much more exciting than they look.  As an affirmation that they are really, really good, the kids keep asking, "When are you going to make those pancakes again?" 

Here is the recipe I put together but, after I made the pancakes I thought, 'there isn't really anything new under the sun so I bet there are sweet potato pancake recipes out there'.  Sure enough there are, so if you like specific amounts when you cook, a quick google search will give you a wealth of recipes for these pancakes.

Sweet Potato Pancakes

1 baked sweet potato - size really doesn't matter but it was probably around a cup of potato
1 egg
1 cup flour
1 1/4 cup milk - less if you like thick pancakes
1 T. sugar
2 T. vegetable oil
3 t. baking powder
1/2 t. salt

Mash the sweet potato.  Add in egg and beat well.  Stir in rest of ingredients and fry on griddle.

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