
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Christmas Card Picture

This is the one that will make the card.  We have been waiting for snow to take the picture but there hasn't been any, we aren't complaining, and there isn't any in the forecast.  The light wasn't the best today so to make up for harsh shadows and the like we chose to make it black and white. 

This was an inside one that we liked but what is Nikki doing?  She must have been yawning or something else doggish.  Outside there was so much going on that caught her attention that her not looking added to the difficulty of getting a good picture.  Not having her in the picture isn't an option so we just do the best we can :)  Also when I looked at this one there are piles of stuff on the end of the couch.  I guess that would have made us real, we homeschool and we have piles, the two seem to go hand in hand.

1 comment:

  1. I love that outdoor photo.

    I tried to take a Christmas photo with my children and Remus and Riley and in the 40+ photos, the only photo that the dogs are looking at the camera, both children looked away.

