
Sunday, December 18, 2011

One On One

Last weekend Dad took Spark into town to Christmas shop for Dancer and to look at other "guy" stuff, a.k.a. video games.  It was the highlight of Spark's weekend and he came home all smiles.

Today I went to town with Dancer to Christmas shop for Spark.  It is a pretty big deal when we go into town just to shop as we live far enough away that it isn't something we just do on the spur of the moment.  We usually combine it with our homeschool activities but then both kids are always with which makes it hard for them to shop for each other. Dancer knew exactly what she was going to get for Spark so that part took about three minutes.  The rest of the time we wandered around stores looking for gifts for Grandparents, Dad, Dad's secret Santa gift for work and we made a stop at the grocery store.  The week before Dad and Spark dined at Five Guys so Dancer and I followed suit.  On the way home Dancer commented on how much she likes when just her and I go shopping.  I will have to try and do more of that in the future.

Tomorrow is Dad's and my turn to go to town alone.  We need to make a stop at the bank, Christmas shop and, of course, go out to lunch.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your date!

    I hope you have a wonderful and relaxing Christmas.

    Peace and Laughter,
