
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Old Fashioned Christmas Caroling

That is what our church did last night.  We bundled up and headed out to the neighborhood around the church.  We knocked on doors and sang them two songs, asked if they needed any prayer, prayed for them if they did and moved on to the next house.

A light dusting of snow fell yesterday which made the roads a little slippery, but otherwise the temps were perfect for a long night caroling, something that doesn't happen very often here in the north.  Our last stop was an assisted living home and no one was complaining when they invited us into their toasty community room to belt out a few songs for them.  I know my toes and fingers appreciated it.

The best place we stopped was at a home where the wife came to the door.  When she opened it she got all excited saying that no one had ever sung for her and for us to wait while she went to get her husband.  She sang along with us and it was truly a joy to sing for her.  At the end when our pastor asked if she would like us to pray for anything, she said yes, her brother had just died and she started to cry.  I think we all got a little choked up when we prayed.  I hope we were a blessing to her this Christmas season.

If someone no came to the door, yes some people did hide from us, although we did come as a surprise and there are times that I wouldn't be properly prepared (insert wearing my jammies) to open my door to a dozen strangers, we just sang extra loud and then prayed a quick blessing over their house.  

After singing we headed back to the church, enjoyed piping hot chocolate and a little fellowship.  As usual we were the last to leave, it seems we are always the last to leave because we talk so much.  It was fun night and we are already looking forward to next year.

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