
Friday, December 23, 2011

Quilted Pillowcases

I usually make our pillowcases just because it is fun to have something seasonal or festive on our beds since we spend so much time with our pillows.  I made these quilted embellished cases for Christmas gifts.  I bought plain cream colored cases, although matching the case to the edge would be cute.

The reason I bought cases is because I used scraps from other projects and took a few pieces out of my fabric stash for the edges.  I think I am using some of that fabric up but who am I kidding, there isn' t enough craft projects in the world to use up that stash.  I can't help it everything is so tempting in the store.  I use three fat quarters for the blue, yellow, bird house one and there is probably enough fabric left to make another set.  I made these with three complementry colors but if I did them again I would choose four or five fabrics just so that the squares got more mixed up and didn't create a pattern.  

I cut the strips in 2 1/2 inch lengths and then cut the strips into uneven lengths of squares, the larges being about 3 inches and the smallest about 1 1/2 inches.  Any smaller than 1 1/2 inches you really only get a little sliver after the seam allowance.  Then just start sewing the squares together to make two long strips the length of the circumfence of the pillowcase including seam allowances.  Sew the two strips together in two rows and iron flat.

Cut the end off the pillowcase and rip the end seam open so you now have a flat piece of fabric.    

Iron flat and sew the quilted piece on to it right sides together. 

Iron so that the wrong sides are together, this makes the seam for the end of the pillowcase.  Trim off the extra fabric from the orginal pillowcase edge so that there an even strip to sew onto the pillowcase.

Open back up and sew ends together to make a loop.  Fold fabric so that it looks like the end of the pillowcase.

With the right side of the pillowcase and the right side of the edge, sew pillowcase edge to the pillowcase.

Iron flat and run a stitch right next to the edging so that enforces the seam and helps the edge to lie flat.

To make a complete sheet set the top of the flat sheet could be quilted.  I just figured everyone has cream or some other solid colored sheets.  It would make a nice wedding or shower gift.

1 comment:

  1. That is a great idea.

    Since we love to bring our pillows when we travel, I try to remember to have the children use a pattern pillow case so it stands out on the bed (to help us remember to bring it home from the hotels).

    I need to look for some swim related material to make pillow cases for us. CUTE!
