
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Happy 15th Birthday Dancer

Our sweet Dancer is 15 years old.  Part of me can't really remember our life with her not in it and another parts says "15 already?" 

Her birthday celebration turned in to a three day affair.  On Thursday we went into town and bought her birthday cake and ice cream while running other errands.  None of us had had lunch before leaving home so we stopped and had supper at Five Guys.  The conversation turned super silly and we laughed and laughed and laughed while the few other the patrons looked at us wondering what could possibly be so funny.  I bet they wished they were sitting at our table. 

Her  cake was chocolate cake with fudge frosting.  She wanted to eat it that night even though her birthday was still two days away.  We lit it on fire and dug into it figuring it wasn't going to get any fresher sitting on the counter.  It was the riches cake we may have ever eaten.  Even the kids said they couldn't finish their's because it was too rich, how often does that happen.  Thankfully we got vanilla ice cream to go with it, it toned down the richness. 

Friday we had her open her main birthday gift, a Kindle Fire.  I took pictures of her excitedly opening it and there was no card in the camera.  That happens to us so often. The reason we had her open it early was so that we could go into town to get it registered and then download a few things on it.  If we hadn't she would have opened it on her birthday and it wouldn't have done anything, not exactly a fun gift.  We met Grandma Pat at Pizza Ranch, Dancer's birthday eating place of choice.  After eating we headed to McDonald's to use their WiFi and topped off our meal with pop and chocolate shakes.  Again no pictures to capture the moments because Spark brought his little camera with, with no card in it.  We will learn to check that before taking pictures at some point but we seem to be slow to catch on.  We also swung by Kohl's and got her tennis shoes.  The shoes weren't really a birthday gift, she was wearning a pair that should have been replaced months ago.  Plus I had a 30% off coupon which is the only time we buy new shoes so she would have gotten them birthday or not.

Finally we are up to her actual birthday and she opened her minor gifts (she needed something to open on the actual birthday).

Spark gave her a Justin Bieber poster and we gave her a warrenty card for her Kindle, gum and her all time favorite, a bottle of Dr. Pepper.

She spent the rest of the day playing Angry Birds and telling her brother no she wasn't done playing yet.  We had church in the evening and Dancer was on nursery duty so that was another reason we ate out to celebrate the night before.  We made a quick trip by the grocery store to pick up a movie (Rio) from the Red Box and a few snacks.  We got home and Dad, Spark and I did the chores (you don't have to do chores on your birthday at our house), we watched the movie and called the birthday complete.


  1. 5 GUYS!!!!!!!! One of our favorite places - ever.

    Oh! Happy Birthday - I wanted to start with that, but my mind is in crazy jealous 5 GUYS mode. LOL

  2. Happy Birthday Dancer! Everyone should get a few days to celebrate! In the Spanish tradition, fifteen is an important year, much like a sweet sixteen. So I will say it in Spanish for you: Feliz Quincañera!

    Peace and Laughter,
