
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Scent Of A Woman

Dancer and I were meandering around Macy's this afternoon while waiting for Dad and Spark to do a little birthday shopping at a different store at the mall.  We got by the perfume section and Dancer was all excited to check out the Justin Bieber perfume "Someday."  She sprayed a couple of hearts with the perfume, tried some of the hand lotion which has glitter in it, and got a little sample vial.

We get back in the car and Dancer said that she could still smell the lotion on her hands.  Spark pipes in with, "I think if you want to attract men you should smell more like Fleet Farm."


  1. How very, very true. And how does a guy (or maybe he's still a "boy"?) get a lotion with sparkles in it named after him??
    I'm with the Fleet Farm idea. Either that, or Hamburgers.

    BTW, just found your blog, looking forward to reading your previous posts, although so far in the few I've read, the goat treat launcher has GOT to be my favorite!!

  2. Thanks for stopping by, we have been lurking at your blog for a while now and enjoy all your posts. Glad to see you can comment again, I remember how frustrating that was until I figured out the "keep me logged in" box.

  3. Actually, I STILL can't comment on my own blog. Even tried the "keep me logged in" thingy. Three times! I can comment on everyone else's blog, but now mine...when I click on the "comments" on my blog, it just goes to another page, but nothing ever loads up, just a blank white page.

  4. I can comment on my blog but can't reply to other's comments. I'm hoping they still have bugs to work out.
