
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Die Hard Geocachers

This is where we spent yesterday afternoon - in the woods where it is hot, humid, and poison ivy, deer fly and mosquito ridden.  Actually this is one of the tamer looking places we were and Dancer was still smiling at this point.  But we are not the die hard geocachers.

That would be these two, the ones on the left, it's Spark on the right.  Notice the long pants, sleeves and hat even though the temps were at the top of the thermometer?  They will trek through anything, crawl over or under anything, drive their car anywhere and do just about anything to find a cache.  They call themselves extreme, we endearingly call them crazy, even their teenage kids won't go geocaching with them.  We live where there is frost all but 3-4 months out of the year to kill the noxious weeds and bugs so there really isn't any reason to be out there in the summer when we can go in the spring, fall and winter without all the nature drama.  We tend to stick to the in-town, out of the woods caches in June through September.  Besides I don't need to go in the woods to get a deer fly bite, I got one this morning watering the lilacs.

We bailed on them right after this picture, it was about 5:30 p.m. and Dad had homemade pizza crust rising at home calling our name.  I will admit we had a good time and will happily go out them again.  I think part of the problem was that, while I was sweating and swatting bugs even with a quarter inch layer of bug spray on, I was thinking about Dad home comfortably sleeping in the air conditioning since he worked the night before.

Dancer took this picture of the little snowman that sits on our dash.  He got put there somewhere along the line and no one ever took him out.  He didn't even get a name and still sports his tag.  I guess he is appropriate looking in the winter and in the summer he makes us feel a little cooler, he has never melted after all.

1 comment:

  1. Always seems like we get stuck with the nastiest bug weather whenever we look for a cache. I'd rather chip through ice to look for a cache than swat bugs!!
