
Friday, July 6, 2012

Sporting Clays

This spring/summer the kids have been participating in a sporting clays group and last night was, well, our last night.  Here Spark is ready to go out on the course.  I was glad they took the cart because otherwise I usually get nominated, that is my nice way of saying the kids say "Here Mom", to carry the shells.  Shells are heavy, especially when it is hot and buggy.

Dancer in a stand.  She is really, really good at the ones that fly in from behind, so I would advise if she is holding a gun, don't sneak up on her.

The tower where they shoot clays that fly or roll along the ground.  The deer flies and mosquitoes were horrible so I stayed down on the grassy, sunny part with the hopes of not getting as many bites.   At a  few of the stands the kids ran in, shot as best they could while swatting bugs and ran back out to the mowed path.

Spark the score keeper.  They take a total of 50 shots at eight different stations but we got in to the club house and left for home before their score sheet, which got left on the cart, got back in so not sure what their score was. 

Dancer and Joe, one of the guys that volunteer to coach the kids.

Spark taking his turn.  This was their first year and they had a lot of fun at this.  Originally, just Dancer was interested in shooting but, since Spark has to come with, he joined right in and did a great job even though he is younger than they usually start the kids.


  1. THAT is super cool. My two will be so excited to hear that your two do that. Did you know that Iggy wants to get involved in shooting sports in 4H? :)

  2. My children would really love to join them. It looks like a lot of fun.
