The middle of February, Grandma Shirley fell in the driveway on the ice getting bread out of the truck. She hit her forehead and eye on something and broke the top of her arm bone completely off. Normally this won't be a big deal, they would throw a couple of pins in the bone and have you do a little physical therapy. Since surgery isn't an option for Grandma Shirley, an injury such as this is a life changer. Finally, after weeks of chaos, we found a place that discourages being restrained in a wheel chair, sippy cups, diapers and bibs and encourages taking care of yourself and is locked so she can wander to her hearts content. I did learn first hand that, unless you have long term care insurance and someone advocating on your behalf that knows the laws nursing homes are suppose to be following, you are pretty much doomed to sitting in a wheel chair, preferably so stoned you don't even know you are sitting there. If you don't follow the stoner protocol, even if you aren't on state aid and are private pay, you are too much work and you are asked to leave.

We took these pictures the day we moved her into her new home. This is our whole family minus two.
Grandma and Grandpa with their grandkids.
Grandma and Dancer
She is about 65 miles away from us but we have made it down to visit and take her to appointment about twice a week. Spark usually goes with me so I don't have to drive alone.