1 1/2 yards of 1" webbing for the handle
Sunday, February 28, 2010
All in one beach mat and tote bag
1 1/2 yards of 1" webbing for the handle
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Basketball is over for 3rd grade
Winter swimming is a treat
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Watch your tone with me
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Meet Spark

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Don't you, forget about me
Monday, February 22, 2010
We were watching The Monkey's Uncle last week and heard the word and then the show was on again tonight and Dancer listened carefully for the word so we could get it correct. A man called someone shatter-pated. We looked it up and found the meaning. They also could have said shatter-brained. We knew what it meant from the context of the show but we should have heard the word and had the actual definition click. We have been reading Robin Hood in Old English and they are always hitting someone, or getting hit, on their pate aka top of their head. I always find it so interesting that when you read something new then it seems like it pops up everywhere after that. It is kind of like a new friend. You meet someone and then when you are out shopping, or wherever, you run into them. I always think, 'how many times did we see you before and not know who you were?'
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Weekend Whirlwind
Friday, February 19, 2010
Peanut Butter Popcorn recipe
Toffee popcorn recipe
2 quarts popcorn
4 tbsp. butter
4 tbsp. light corn syrup
2/3 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup whole milk or cream
Melt butter, syrup and sugar in heavy pan over medium heat, stirring occasionally. Add milk/cream stirring all the time. Bring to a boil and remove from the heat when just when it boils. Add to popped popcorn. Stir until coated. Good warm or cold.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Plowed Roads Only
At any rate the snowy scenes had me reminiscing this and that about snow days as a kid. Whenever there was going to be measurable snow fall we kids would bound out of bed to check the TV or radio to see if school would be late or called off. In retrospect it seemed silly to get up early to see if you can sleep in.
It would be important to monitor the reports continuously in case " two hours late" became "classes and evening activities cancelled". Now cancellation a cause to celebrate but even more important no one wanted to walk a half mile for the bus, wait 40 minute wondering if it went in the ditch only to have a neighbor drive by and quip "Why didn't ya hear, classes are cancelled".
Another odd snow day happening was having school cancelled early. The school administration would want us all at school to garner their state funding. If we were already there and the weather got worse we would go back home about 1:00 PM. On occasion school was two hours late and closed early. This meant a frozen wait for the bus followed by hazardous ride to school, two twenty minute classes, regular lunch period then wait for the buses to come back for another perilous ride home.
There was one other school delay addendum, an asterisk if you will, that I especially looked forward to: Plowed roads only. My family lived a ways out of town, so far in fact that the sun set between my house and town. Why I was 12 or 13 years old before I found out my name wasn't "Git wood"...well, you get the idea. The important point was if I woke to a feeble little blizzard, one that only required bulldozers and Chinook cargo helicopters to clear the parking lots, as long as I heard that sweet phrase "plowed roads only" I could return to bed and enjoy a bonus vacation day, made by God.
It's a no go
As I was walking out of the pool area I looked at the swimming bulletin board. The regular fee schedule was up and it showed that the cost of six private lessons of a half hour each was $180. The homeschool price during gym class is $20 and the lessons are 45 minutes. He was the only one in his level this session so he had private lesson by default for only $20. Once in a while good things fall into our laps.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Look who's knocking
Date Oatmeal Sandwich Cookies
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Proverbs and a Psalm
This has really been a blessing for us as it has opened the way for us to talk with the kids about things that we want to talk to them about but don't often come up in conversation. For example, many proverbs deal with things they haven't come up against yet and we have the luxury of discussing them before it is a "what were you thinking when you did that" conversation and they are on the defense instead of openly listening with nothing hanging over our heads.
Some of the chapters are hard to talk about with them at the ages they are. Proverbs 5 and 6 are about adultery, a difficult topic to talk about with a nine year old. We muddle through it the best we can on his level of understanding.
As we read the kids will say "oh, I remember that one" or even to my pleasant surprise "that verse is just like the verse about ________." and they will be able to pull a verse out of another chapter and apply it to the one we are reading with great accuracy. After we finish reading the chapter we will pick out a verse or two we want to touch on, be it one we think important or something that has been happening the last month, either in our home, community or the news, and we want to bring it to their attention. We also ask what verse they liked and why. Again, I am often pleasantly surprised by their insight and understanding of the verses.
There has also been a huge shift in behavior since we started this, in both the kids and myself. It is so easy to forget the lessons of Proverbs when we don't read them daily. One time when Dancer was with a friend, the friend corrected Dancer about something but the friend was wrong. Dancer said to me later that she let it go and didn't argue with her because it was just something petty and we shouldn't argue with others just to show ourselves right. Another time, when we were at an event, two of her friends were going to go out to sit in a car and listen to music. She wouldn't go with them because following them could be the wrong path. The other girls didn't get to go out anyway when their mother heard what they had in mind.
Do I now expect that the kids will always be wise and make the right choices? No, I know that they have free will and there is always temptation lurking around every corner. I do hope that from the back of their minds they will able to bring these lessons forward and apply them so they can avoid a lot of the hardships in life that come from making poor choices and it protects them a little from those things. I also hope the same for myself. It has become glaringly clear that I have lots of areas that need improvement in my life and my actions. I share this with the kids as well, that learning to follow God is a life long journey and that everyone has areas that they struggle with over and over and over with. I also share with them the areas in which I don't want to change but know that I need to to be pleasing to God.
New this month we added reading a Psalm every day. The kids take turns picking a number and then we read the Psalm that is the number they choose. Today they choose the last Psalm and it was so happy I will share it here.
Psalm 150
Praise the Lord.
Praise God in his sanctuary;
vv praise him in his mighty heavens.
Praise him for his acts of power;
vv praise him for his surpassing greatness.
Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet,
vv praise him with the harp and lyre.
praise him with tambourine and dancing,
vv praise him with the strings and flute,
praise him with the clash of cymbals,
vvpraise him with resounding cymbals.
Let everything that has breath praise
the Lord.
Praise the Lord.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Girl has a wrench and she knows how to use it
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Grandma's Hot Black Bean and Rice Dip Recipe
She came with gifts, valentines, other surprises and a scrumptious dinner. She made a hot black bean and rice dip which is a main dish. Oh, so good. She also brought the recipe, which we will for sure be making ourselves, so I will share it here.
Hot Black Bean and Rice Dip
3/4 C. brown or white rice
1 can black beans, rinsed
1 can Mexicorn drained or just regular corn if you don't want it so spicy
1 can Rotel tomatoes and chilies
1 C. salsa
1 C. sour cream
1 C. shredded cheddar cheese
pepper to taste
1/2 C. chopped onion
1 can black olives
1 C. shredded Mexican cheese
Cook the rice according to the package.
Combine beans, corn, tomatoes, salsa, sour cream, cheddar cheese, pepper and rice. Put in baking dish.
Sprinkle with the onions and olives.
Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Sprinkle with Mexican cheese and back 5 - 10 minutes longer. Allow to stand before serving so it sets up.
We had this with tortilla chips, shredded lettuce and guacamole. We didn't know what Grandma was bringing and when I pulled the avocados out of the fridge to make the guacamole she said I can't believe you just have avocado in the fridge. A kitchen is not a kitchen with an avocado waiting to made into guacamole. That is a staple around here, we all just love, love, love it.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Homemade black berry syrup
He put them in a bowl with a little bit of water and microwaved until the berries were plump. Then he put them in a pot with a bit of sugar and cooked them until they reduced into a syrup. I can not even describe how good it was. We ladled it generously over pancakes and savored every bite.
Friday, February 12, 2010
The X Rated Mall
A couple of years ago Victoria Secrets had a poster of a woman lounging, well not how I lounge but that is the best word I can think of here, in her new purchase from this store. When we walked by the store I diverted the kids eyes to the other side of the hallway. I called the mall office and was told that the stores can put whatever they want in their windows and they have no control over it. Really? They had just put in a big playground and family bathrooms hoping to attract families but they have no control over the rest of the mall?
Fast forward to now and the Victoria Secret poster would just blend in with all the other store fronts. If these mannequins were real people it would be like we were walking down the red light district. Who is buying these clothes? If you are a parent buying them for you daughters, stop it. If you are buying them for yourself, good grief you are better than that. If your kids are dressing like that because their friends do, get them some new friends and have a talk about self respect and dignity. If the only way my daughter could make friends is by wearing shrink wrap and having something hanging out then she doesn't need any friends.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Perilous snow
Next he just had to get those icicles down. Thankfully he didn't take an eye out when they fell like shattered glass.
I went back in the house thinking he was all done. I hear this thumping on the side of the house so I poke my head back out the door to see him swinging at the few little icicles left on the gutter. Each time he took a swing the hoe bumped on the side of the house. Thankfully he didn't take out a window. Guess what his farmers' market money this summer would have been spent on if that had been the case?
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Stop using the guinea pig for a football
The kids were sitting at the table starting their work and they were both just laughing when I came out of the bedroom at the fact that I would have occasion to say such a statement to Dad!
Monday, February 8, 2010
School is cancelled - ha ha ha
Friday, February 5, 2010
Bread in a Bag Recipe
Bread in a Bag Recipe
2 cups all purpose flour
1 tsp. salt
1 package rapid rise yeast
3 tablespoons sugar
3 tablespoons nonfat dry milk
1 cup very warm water (125 degrees F)
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 cup whole wheat flour
1. Combine one cup all purpose flour, yeast, sugar, dry milk and salt in a 1 gallon zipper freezer bag.
2. Seal bag. Squeeze upper part of the bag to force out air and then seal the bag.
3. Shake and work the bag with fingers to blend ingredients.
4. Carefully add hot water and oil to dry ingredients in the bag.
5. Add whole wheat flour. Reseal bag and mix ingredients.
6. Gradually add remaining cup of all purpose flour to bag. Reseal and mix with fingers.
7. Work the dough until it is stiff and pulls away from the sides of the bag.
9. Knead dough 2 to 4 minutes, until smooth and elastic.
10. Cover dough with a moist cloth or towel; let dough stand for 10 minutes.
11. Divide dough in half.
12. Roll each piece of dough into a rectangle, 6 inch by 32 inch.
13. Roll up from narrow end to form loaf. Pinch edges and end to seal.
14. Spray mini loaf pan with cooking spray. Place dough in pan with seam side down.
15. Cover loaves with cloth and place in a warm place; let dough rise until doubled.
16. Bake at 375 degrees for 15 - 20 minutes or until top is golden brown and loaf sound hollow.
17. Remove from pans and rub top of loaves with butter.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Spark rides an escalator
Bacon lettuce and tomato salad
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Natural Selection: Elephants in Sri Lanka
The "elephant" herd after poaching. Many more red tuskless elephants than white tusked elephants.
In 1900 there were about 20,000 elephants in Sri Lanka, today there are less than 3500.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Plan B - Wii Fit Plus
Today we walked at a shopping mall. One nice thing about this is we can all do it simultaneously. A drawback is that it takes a lot of trips around the mall to make a mile. The mall also 20 miles away.
Tomorrow we we will try using the Wii Fit and a pedometer to get some distance in. Unfortunately, it won't be nice enough to walk or bike outside for at least two months. Wish us luck.