A long day the fair for us on Wednesday. We got there early to drop of our items for the club booth and then waited for the 4-H judging to start. Dancer had 20 projects, the banner and the scrapbook to interview for. She started at 2:00 p.m. and got done around 6:30 p.m. Spark had five cloverbud projects. The cloverbuds interview with the same person so it goes much faster. It was day of a lot of waiting. The good thing is that we have been in 4-H for a few years and know a lot of people so the time went by fast chatting and catching up with people we don't see very often. A couple we only see the week of the fair.
Dancer waiting, waiting, waiting in yet another line.
When the line is long a stool project is a blessing as you can rest your weary feet.
Spark talking to the judge about his stool.
Dancer telling the judge about her consumer education project. She compared the price of homemade garlic crisps to store bought.
After the judging we waited because our club was slated to sweep the 4-H building after closing at 9:30. To pass the time, and because we were starving by this time, we hiked over to Pizza Hut for dinner. This is was treat for us because, although we love Pizza Hut, we had not eaten at one since Spark's 5th birthday. Our reason for not going back was that he drank two large pops rather quickly and gave them back all over the table. That's the nicest way I can think to say that! It has taken him this long, 3 1/2 years, to get over the incident and want to go to a Pizza Hut again. He was very careful about how much pop he drank this time.
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