Dancer received five premium ribbons. A champion ribbon on the scrapbook which we forgot to take a picture of.
Dog Education she got a reserve champion and a state fair trip.
Forest Resources for Sap to Syrup she got a champion and a state fair trip.
Exploring Animals for The Low Down on Duck Down she got a reserve champion and a state fair trip.
Consumer Education for Homemade VS Store Bought she got a reserve champion and state fair trip.
All her other projects she got blue 1st place ribbons and three red 2nd place ribbons. I told her getting a few red ribbons keep her humble.
In our state each person can only take one project to the state fair. Dancer had such a hard time deciding which project to take. She finally settled on the Dog Education poster of Don't Feed The Dog. She is just beside herself with excitement about winning a trip. You are not able to take a project to the state fair until after completing sixth grade. The last two years she has won state fair trips and couldn't go because of her age. This year she was worried that she would be old enough but not win a trip.
After all this state fair excitement we stopped at the dairy building to have a malt. Yum, one of my favorite parts of the day!
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